OPT-VCSS Optosense Vacuum Chuck with Thermocouples for PV Cells with Reference Cell and I-V Software

Starting from 8000 USD…


Measurement Stage and Probe Bar

Suitable to use with 8″x8″ dimensions sample

The probe bar and actuator option is for bus bar metalized cells. Probe bars have a series of spring loaded pins to contact a cell bus bar. Each probe bar has an isolated  center voltage sense pin. Probe bars are independently adjustable to match cell bus bar separation. The number of probe bars and the number of pins on each probe bar depends on the option ordered.

  • up to 8″x8″ sample mounting featıure
  • 5 bus bar (its able to add new bars when ordered)
  • Vacuum lines
  • Temperature control

Reference Solar Cell

Calibrated and certified reference cell for solar simulator Mono-crystal Silicon material

Temperature reading by thermocouple

I-V software for Windows 7 and Windows 10 is included.

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